What is European Hyperloop Week?

The European Hyperloop Week (EHW) is dedicated to comprehensively examining the integration of Hyperloop technology into transport systems with respect to technical, economic, and political considerations. Throughout the week, industry experts and academics will provide updates and insights through conference sessions.

Student teams from around the globe will showcase groundbreaking Hyperloop prototypes to industry representatives and the public. Daily assessments will evaluate specific categories in which teams have registered as competitors, culminating in a final design exhibition over the weekend of EHW.

This event encourages the public to attend conferences and observe competitions to broaden their understanding of Hyperloop technology, and meet the teams of young innovators behind this transformative mode of transport.

EHW 2022

After having a successful previous year, we wished to strive even further in 2022's EHW. Receiving participation level award in all of Mechanical, GUidance, Tracion and Full scale categories.

EHW 2021

Kicking off the Manchester Hyperloop soceity's participation within the EHW competition, we managed to secure ourselves Top 5 finish in the Levitation category.