Step into the future of transportation with Hyperloop! Imagine traveling between cities at speeds exceeding 700 miles per hour, all within streamlined capsules gliding through low-pressure tubes.

Developed by visionaries like Elon Musk, Hyperloop promises to revolutionize how we move, cutting travel times dramatically. But its journey from concept to reality is filled with challenges and innovation. Join us as we explore the groundbreaking technology and the exciting possibilities it holds for the future of travel.


Since our inception Hyperloop Manchester has looked to participate in European Hyperloop Week (EHW) - an annual international competition that brings together the Hyperloop community to discuss the technology, feasibility and scalability of the Hyperloop, encouraging innovation in the industry.

Despite being a young team, we at Hyperloop Manchester have a history of successes in this competition: becoming an 2021 EHW finalist and obtaining a Top 5 place in Best Levitation Design the same year.


Hyperloop Manchester is a student-led Hyperloop project organization aiming to compete in the Hyperloop competitions organized by SpaceX or other organisations and to share our knowledge with people around the world.

The team is founded in 2019. Now, Hyperloop Manchester has around 70 team members and around 50 alumni members from different nationalities and backgrounds. Furthermore, the team consists of three main divisions and eight subdivisions.